Jewish Life Festival Corporate/Individual Sponsorship Levels, and the benefits included for each sponsorship, are listed below. After reviewing the list of available sponsorships, just return to the main Sponsorship page to complete the order form to become an event sponsor! Thank you for your support of Suncoast Hillels!

Presenting Sponsor $18,000 (one available)
Attendance for seven (7) people at the USF Hillel Speakers Dinner (date TBA) including two (2) seats with guest speakers (You fill the table or we can fill it for you!)
Cocktail reception/meet & greet with guest speakers, USF Hillel students and Rocky the Bull prior to the Speakers Dinner (date TBA)
Ten (10) all-inclusive tickets to the USF Hillel Jewish Life Festival on Sunday, November 13, 2022 (*)
Shabbat Dinner with USF Bulls with private mixology lesson (*)
Speaking opportunity for company representative
Presenting Sponsor USF Hillel swag bag
Sponsor Logo on USF Hillel Jewish Life Festival Silent Auction, Suncoast Hillels and USF Hillel websites for one (1) year
Sponsor Logo on USF Hillel Jewish Life Festival T-Shirts
Site recognition at the Speakers Dinner and Jewish Life Festival events
Sponsor name tag recognition
Recognition in all publicity material
Option to provide company logo'd swag to participants at Speakers Dinner and Jewish Life Festival events (swag provided by your company)
Green & Gold Sponsor $5,400 (multiple available)
Attendance for two (2) people at the USF Hillel Speakers Dinner (date TBA)
Two (2) all-inclusive tickets to the USF Hillel Jewish Life Festival on Sunday, November 13, 2022 (*)
Learn to bake Challah with USF Hillel Students for two (2) people and custom Challah (*)
Winter Champagne Brunch on the USF Hillel Ross Patio for up to ten (10) people (*)
Shabbat Dinner with USF Bulls
USF Hillel Swag Bag (varies by sponsorship level)
Site recognition at the event
Sponsor name tag recognition
Recognition in all publicity material
Gold Sponsor $3,600 (multiple available)
Attendance for two (2) people at the USF Hillel Speakers Dinner (date TBA)
Two (2) all-inclusive tickets to the USF Hillel Jewish Life Festival on Sunday, November 13, 2022 (*)
Learn to bake Challah with USF Hillel Students for two (2) people and custom Challah (*)
Shabbat Dinner with USF Bulls
USF Hillel Swag Bag (varies by sponsorship level)
Site recognition at the event
Sponsor name tag recognition
Recognition in all publicity material
Green Sponsor $1,800 (multiple available)
Attendance for two (2) people at the USF Hillel Speakers Dinner (date TBA)
Two (2) all-inclusive tickets to the USF Hillel Jewish Life Festival on Sunday, November 13, 2022 (*)
Two (2) quarts of two (2) custom-made USF Hillel Ice Cream flavors (*)
Shabbat Dinner with USF Bulls
USF Hillel Swag Bag (varies by sponsorship level)
Site recognition at the event
Sponsor name tag recognition
Recognition in all publicity material
Festival Sponsor $1,080 (multiple available)
Two (2) all-inclusive tickets to the USF Hillel Jewish Life Festival on Sunday, November 13, 2022 (*)
Two (2) quarts of two (2) custom-made USF Hillel Ice Cream flavors (*)
Shabbat Dinner with USF Bulls
USF Hillel Swag Bag (varies by sponsorship level)
Site recognition at the event
Sponsor name tag recognition
Recognition in all publicity material
*May be donated back to Hillels of the Florida Suncoast to use as an Auction item.
Return to the main Sponsorship page

Thank you to our Corporate and Individual Sponsors
(as of 9/9/2022):
Green & Gold Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Sara Ingber
Deborah Roth
Green Sponsor
Keith & Karen Schilit
Festival Sponsor
Gary & Phyllis Gould
Our Media Sponsor